Monday, April 6, 2009

weekend at a cabin

It's just like my dream come true. I always hope and wish to sleep at a cabin again and again after several times I spent the weekends there.

Finally, it's the first time this year. Daddy, Mommy and some friends, including my best friend Andrew, came and spent the weekend at Dillon State Park cabins. And I never forget to bring my 'guling', football player sleeping bag, and this year Ingkola, my little giraffe, had the previeliege to come with me (Usually I bring Edek, my little ducky).
Daddy, Mommy, tante2 and om2 were on somekind of a retreat, but for me and Andrew it's just like top of the world vacation. We're playing everyday, from early in the morning, 7am until late night around 10pm.

The adults were taking turn to babysit us, and we always got the best of anything, from playing inside or outside the cabin, got to eat instant noodles, plenty of juices, and watching tv.

The last day, we went to the beach to play with some sands and rocks, and also spent a little time at the playground on the swing.

I was so happy to see all om2 and tante2 were very happy too swinging up high into the sky, especially om Jo-i.
It was totally fun, and I will always looking for any opportunities to spent the weekends at cabins again :)


Leo said...

foto yang pertama bagus banget pose nya hehe. itu si andrew rangkul si jon?

Helen Santoso said...

iya. harusnya mau kasi liat lakenya,tp tenryata tdk kelihatan, dan ga dapet second shot karena sudah pada kabur semua :)