Saturday, November 8, 2008


Daddy & Mommy told me that I can come to this 'adult' meeting at xenos. It is very rare occasion, because I usually have to stay at the childcare, so I was very exciting.
This event called Javapalooza. Mommy told me that this event is to raised some money to the needy children in Indonesia, because they don't get the chance to eat enough food everyday, don't have plenty of toys like me, and lotf of them don't go to school. It's great I can be part of it.

I don't really know what's going on on the event because I was very busy playing at the play area with Andrew, Emma, Sophie, and the twins Lucy and Olivia. There was a silence auction with lot of stuff to bid. I'm very glad that Mommy bid the movie tickets and Mc. Donald's gift certificate and got them! We use the Mc.Donald the next morning for a happy meal and I got the 'Marty' the zebra toy.

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