Tuesday, October 21, 2008

going on 3

I will be 3 this December, and there're a lot of changes in my characters, attitudes, knowledges, and inteligence beginning on my 2.5 years of age. Here what's happening...

Start last summer, around late June, I started to love 'Oasis' Xenos Children Ministry. I starts to involve in some activities and socialize with other kids. I still remember how hard it was for mommy to put me there that mommy decided not to take me to Oasis for at least 6 months, because I would scream and cry for at least 30 minutes until mommy got paged every week.

And now, I go to Xenos every week with a ritual of getting a donut after the class and play for a while at the playground. Sometimes we have the same ritual accompanies with Quinny.

My involvement in Xenos' playgroup also make a big deal on how I feels more secure to play with Americans. I starts to learn English and communicate with my American friends in a language that is super hilarious, said Mommy. English, mix Indonesian with Javanese accent and some make-up words.

"Alexandeh, whatca doing?... I'm having the saos.. Hey, why you doing that?... Is mine.. It's my mainan"

(That's my friend Alexander on the picture while we tried to find fish in the creek)

I also like to read, write and color. I like writing the letter 'H', and learn to color inside the boundaries. I can read letter A,B,C,H,J,N,O,S, and T. I love to sing and learn many new songs. Mommy sang to me Indonesia Raya the other night before bed and after the lights off, I sang out loud,"Indonesiaaa.. darahku tumpah di tanah!" Mommy was exploding with laugh and ran to tell Daddy.

Other thing, I just love playing with my closest friends, Andrew and Matthew. We have different characters, but they know me the most and we grow together.

Mommy says it's just lovely to have me around, to see how silly I act, say funny words and sentences, and also to see how smart I am, even though I still needs some time-outs, but it's part of my learning process. I am a toddler, a stage of learning, growing and loving, so everyone should bear and keep up with me...

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