Thursday, June 25, 2009

my first pet funeral

Last night, on June 24th 2009, my little blue betta fish, PerPer, died after suffered several heart attacks (shocked from hearing us smacking the flies) and maybe consumed some dead flies in the tank.

I was so sad and told Mommy some ways to make it alive; change the water, wait a little longer that he'd swim again and knock the tank. It's even more sad when Mommy told me that there's nothing I can do if something or someone dies.

So finally I was ready for the funeral. Mommy dig the ground at the backyard and put PerPer inside then covered with some soils. I put the American flag for the sign. PerPer is American :)

Bye bye PerPer.. I will have another one soon.. but I'll miss you.

1 comment:

pet cremation oklahoma said...

Its too tragic when my first pet have died then finally have decided for funerals of my pets.its so bad to feel.But i must appreciate for your decesion.